ATENTION: Compatibles cables:
For phones with Eric connector: J300 k300i K500 K600 K608 K700 Z500 V600 V800 Z800 Z1010, use cable T28 COM, T28 USB, cable TMS 2 in 1, Cable Cruiser, Base DSS.
For phones with FastPort connector: J220i J230i K750i D750i W550i W800i Z520i , use cables con USB-FTDI: Cable Cruiser - Cable TMS 2 en 1 - Cable Davinci.
Note: With the TMS cable is necesary to use the drivers USB_Driver_FTDI_TMS_news, don't use the originals.
Important information:
Phone always off, and without SIM card. Battery fully charged. before any operation, changhe the CID to RED 36, and always leave marked in "Settings" the boxes“Set color RED alter operations” .
Before any operation, do a backup of your GDFS. just follow to the step 3 of this guide, after that, click Read GDFS. A file will be created automatically in the folder of Setook called “GDFS.bin”, save in a secure place.
Debrand/upgrade or change language.
You need the files fo the firmware (MAIN and FS). You can download Here
1- Select the port and velocity. Mark the boxes RTS y DTR.
2- Click in "Sony Ericsson"
3- Click “clear names”
4- In "Main File Firmware" click in […] and select the MAIN file with extention "mbn". In "File system image" click in […] and select the FS file with extention "fbn". [/b]
5- Select the model of your phone
6- Select a CDA from here (select you model first):Here . Is important that this field must not be blank.
7- Click in Settings.
8-Check the boxes “Set color RED alter operatios” and “Complete Phone.”
9-Click Flash. Wait for the finish message.
All the data in the phone will be lost! Do a copy of your contacts and data before use this software.
If you don't select "Complet Phone" you will have a configuration error. To fix this error is not necesary to flash again.
Just click in “clear names”
Select the phone model
Mark "Complet Phone".
Click in "Flash".
Remove the camera sound .(in silent mode)
1- Select port and velocity. Mark RTS y DTR.
2- Click in "Sony Ericsson"
3- Click "clear names"
4- Select the phone model.
7- Click in "Settings".
8- Mark "Complete Phone."
9- Click in "Flash".
Unlock Sony Ericsson phones.
1- Select port and velocity. Mark RTS y DTR.
2- Click in "Sony Ericsson"
3- Click "clear names"
4- Select the phone model.
5- Click "Unlock/Repair" and follow the instruccions on the window.
In some phones models (generaly the newest) you may use TESTPOINT to unlock your phone.
Change CDA
1- Select port and velocity. Mark RTS y DTR.
2- Click in "Sony Ericsson"
3- Click "clear names"
4- Select the phone model.
5- Seleccione un CDA Generic en mi pagina (lista de CDAs) y introduzca en la ventana CDA. Es importante que esta área no este vacía para evitar errores.
6- Select a CDA from here (select you model first):Here . Is important that this field must not be blank.
7- Click in Settings.
8-Check the boxes “Set color RED alter operatios” and “Complete Phone.”
9- Click "Flash".
Set counter of total calls to zero.
1- Select port and velocity. Mark RTS y DTR.
2- Click in "Sony Ericsson"
3- Click "clear names"
4- Select the phone model.
5 - Click in Settings.
6- Mark "Complete Phone."
Write GDFS
Use this option to write you backed up GDFS to your phone:
1- Select port and velocity. Mark RTS y DTR.
2- Click in "Sony Ericsson"
3- Click "clear names"
4- Select the phone model.
5- In "Misc Files" select the file GDFS.bin
6- Click in "Write GDFS".
Change CID
1- Select port and velocity. Mark RTS y DTR.
2- Click in "Sony Ericsson"
3- Click "clear names"
4- Select the phone model.
6- Clik in the listbox "CID change" and select the CID and colour: Example RED36.
7- Click in "Flash".
Also, you can change the CID during the upgrade process, just select the MAIN and FS files, select the CID and press Flash.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Change the frecuency network.
1- Select port and velocity. Mark RTS y DTR.
2- Click in "Sony Ericsson"
3- Click "clear names"
4- Select the phone model.
5- In "Misc Files" click in […] and the file “script choosed" and press "Write Script"Here are the scripts files (choose you want): Here
After change the frecuency, your phone will be locked. “4-locks closed”. Just use the “Unlock Repair” option (explained above)
Change SMS Tone
1- Select port and velocity. Mark RTS y DTR.
2- Click in "Sony Ericsson"
3- Click "clear names"
4- Select the phone model.
5- In "Misc Files" click in […] y selecct the file tono-sms.txt and press "Write Script"Here is the "tono-sms.txt":Here
Senin, 15 Desember 2008
Setool Card Cracked 100%. Free Upgrade.
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